143-153 Whitehorse Road,
Croydon CR0 2LJ

Offers in excess of £500,000

Freehold for sale with Development Potential


0.15 Acres

Development potential (subject to gaining the necessary consents)

Offers in excess of £500,000


The existing property is a two storey office building set on a rectangular site of approximately 0.15 acres, with a number of single storey rear storage units.

We understand the current use class is B1 / B8 and the site offers potential for change of use to residential, subject to gaining the necessary planning consent.


The property is located on Whitehorse Road, five minutes from the modern and lively Croydon Town Centre, which is home to the large Whitgift and Centrale Shopping Centres. Croydon is undergoing significant regeneration as part of Croydon Vision 2020, which aims to promote Croydon as a hub of living, retaining, culture and business in South London and the South East of England.

The property is in the catchment area for several good schools, including the BRIT school for Performing Arts and Technology.


The property is within close proximity to Selhurst Overground station with fast trains taking 20 minutes to London Bridge and 30 Minutes to London Victoria. Brighton is also an hour away by train or car.

Planning Potential

There is a pending application under planning reference 14/00456/P for the demolition of existing buildings; erection of a terrace of 4 two storey 3 bedroom houses one of which will be a live work unit; provision of associated parking. In our opinion, the site would be more viable as a scheme for new build flats aimed at the private or affordable housing market.


The site is not subject to VAT


Offers are invited in excess of £600,000 subject to contract for the vacant freehold interest.
Buyers note: We are instructed that subject to planning offers will also be considered

Further Information

For copies or the existing or current proposed plans please contact a member of our team.


Can be adequately made from the roadside in the first instance.

Please note the information provided by Highfield Investments London Limited, trading as Highfield Investments has been given in good faith, however all parties must undertake their own due diligence to satisfy themselves in regards to accuracy.