

117 Avenue Road London N14 4DN

We are inviting offers in excess of £950,000 for the freehold interest

Freehold Development Opportunity

Planning permission has now been granted for the erection of a 2-storey block of 5 x self-contained flats involving first & second floor terrace, associated parking, refuse storage and landscaping.

3 x 2-bedroom units measuring approx. 70sqm each and 2 x 1-bedroom units measuring approx. 50sqm each.

Site measuring approximately 4,766ft2

0.6 miles to Oakwood station

0.3 miles to Southgate station



Offers in excess of £950,000 for the freehold interest


The existing site is currently occupied by a single dwelling bungalow dating back to the 1980’s, with a shallowed-pitched, gabled roof. The site itself is set back from Avenue Road, beside a two-storey flatted development that faces onto a shared access. The surrounding area is predominantly residential in character, with properties of a mixture of ages and styles. Planning permission has now been granted for the erection of a 2-storey block of 5 x self-contained flats involving first & second floor terrace, associated parking refuse storage and landscaping.


The site which is set back from Avenue Road is positioned within a predominantly residential area within the London Borough of Enfield, with properties of a mixture of age and style. The site is also in very close proximity to Southgate School and St Anne’s Catholic High School for girls which both have very good Ofsted reports. The site is within a 5-minute drive to local shops, amenities and restaurants.


The property is within a PTAL rating of 2. The site itself is within very close proximity to Oakwood station and Southgate station. The station is around 800 metres
to the north-east of the application site, with various bus services also available from Avenue Road, Chase Road and The Fairway. Southgate station is also around 1,000 metres to the south. The site is therefore in a sustainable location, reflected by the large-scale redevelopment nearby.

Planning Permission

Planning permission has been granted under reference number: 20/03345/FUL on the 10th December 2020.


Access can be arranged with sole agents Highfield Investments.

Additional Information

Planning and other related documents will be sent in the form of an information pack that can be requested from a member of the Highfield team.


We have been advised that VAT is not applicable.

Financial Contributions

The property is liable for a CIL charge payment of circa £42,000.




We are inviting offers in excess of £950,000 for the freehold interest.


Unit Floor Beds Amenity GIA (sq m) GIA (sq ft)
Unit 1
Floor Ground
Beds 2b
Amenity GIA 68sqm Garden Area
(sq m) 70
GIA (sq ft) 753
Unit 2
Floor Ground
Beds 2b
Amenity GIA 68sqm Garden Area
(sq m) 70
GIA (sq ft) 753
Unit 3
Floor First
Beds 2b
Amenity GIA Private Terrace
(sq m) 70
GIA (sq ft) 753
Unit 4
Floor First
Beds 1b
Amenity GIA Private Terrace
(sq m) 50
GIA (sq ft) 538
Unit 5
Floor Second
Beds 1b + Study
Amenity GIA Private Terrace
(sq m) 50
GIA (sq ft) 538
Amenity GIA
(sq m) 310
GIA (sq ft) 3,337

Please note the information provided by Highfield Investments London Limited, trading as Highfield Investments has been given in good faith, however all parties must undertake their own due diligence to satisfy themselves in regards to accuracy.