8 Agamemnon Road West Hampstead London NW6 1DY
Offers in excess of £1,750,000
Freehold conversion opportunity in West Hampstead
Planning permission granted to provide 4x2-bedroom residential units measuring 274m2 / 2,949ft2 (NSA)
Plot measuring approximately 2,370ft2
Located on Agamemnon Road
Within a 0.7 mile walk to West Hampstead station
Sold with vacant possession
Offers in excess of £1,750,000
Site Description
The site is located in the London Borough of Camden. The existing building is not listed. It is a three storey (plus basement storage) mid-terrace Victorian residential property. The property displays many fine architectural features typical of this period. The proposal seeks the conversion of 6 x studio flats to 4×2-bedroom flats and the erection of rear cycle stores and front boundary wall.
The site is located in the London Borough of Camden. Fortune Green Ward is located in the north west of the borough. The borough boundaries with Barnet and Brent form the northern and western extents, while Finchley Road forms the eastern boundary. To the south (east to west) the boundary consists of West End Lane and Mill Lane, down Broomsleigh Street, cutting across the railway and along Maygrove Road. The area is mainly residential with several small shops, restaurants, cafes, bakeries concentrated on the northern section of West End Lane and around West End Green.
The property at 8 Agamemnon Road is extremely well connected, especially to London. It is served by three stations: West Hampstead on the Jubilee line, West Hampstead Overground station and West Hampstead Thameslink station.Bus links include the 139 (Golders Green to Waterloo via Oxford Street) the 328 (Golders Green to Chelsea via Notting Hill) and the C11 (Brent Cross Shopping Cntre to Archway via Hampstead Heath).
Planning Permission
Planning permission was granted on the 3rd July 2019 under the application number 2018/5338/P for the change of use from 6 x studio flats (Class C3) and 2 x bedsits (Class C4) to 4 x 2-bed flats (Class C3); extension of existing basement, including new front and rear lightwells; excavation of existing basement to lower floor by 1.0m; erection of single storey rear extension at ground floor level; erection of rear cycle stores and front boundary wall.
Access is to be made strictly by appointment only with sole agents Highfield Investments.
Additional Information
Planning and other related documents will be sent in the form of an information pack that can be requested from a member of the Highfield team.
Financial Contributions
There is no CIL payment however there is a S106 of £6,500.
We have been advised that VAT is not applicable.
We are inviting offers in excess of £1,750,000 for the freehold interest.
Please note the information provided by Highfield Investments London Limited, trading as Highfield Investments has been given in good faith, however all parties must undertake their own due diligence to satisfy themselves in regards to accuracy.